Bottled water gets bad rap from environmentalists. One of the reasons is that the bottles are made from plastic and only a small percentage of these are recycled. The rest end up in landfill.
The company behind Evian and Volvic - Danone, plans to address this by recycling as many plastic water bottles as it uses in the UK.
At the moment, the bottles are made with 25% recycled plastic. Danone want its bottles to be made from at least 50% recycled plastic within the next few years.
In addition, they plan to recycle one bottle and reuse the plastic for every bottle sold, effectively making the brand 'plastics-neutral' with the intention of becoming truly 'carbon neutral' by 2011.
The company believes it will save up to £250,000 a year, which Danone will commit to environmental projects.
Evian and volvic branded water is readily available from most supermarkets and some local convenience stores.